Our club training takes place on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 - 8pm on the playing fields of our home base at the Gosforth Sports Association on Broadway West, NE3 2NH, in Gosforth.
Pre season training starts outdoors under flood lights in mid to late January, and generally focuses on building fitness and improving the ball handling skills that are unique to 'Aussie Rules' football (such as kicking, marking, hand balling, and so on).
Then - as the days begin to lengthen and the start of our competitive season draws nearer - match simulation and other drills are added to our training routines in order to build 'game awareness' and refine the tactics to be used in the matches of the upcoming season, so much so that by the time of our first match in sunny April we're all jumping out of our skin and can't wait to resume rivalries with all of the other clubs in our league.
Our training generally concludes in about September of each year (although it sometimes continues beyond this if we are competing in invitational events such as 'The Movember Cup' held in Manchester each November).